Glass House

Timelessly aesthetic design

Royal Door are manufacturers of horticultural structures and equipment,  in varying sizes to suit the commercial growers to glasshouses to suit the domestic grower. From Royal Door inception we have been one of the largest and most innovative producers of research complexes for Government departments. Royal Door also have custom designed shade and netting structures and ancillary products to create an environment which will not only satisfy our clients but also their products.

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An Eco-Friendly Material

Compared to other more common building materials, glass is more environmentally friendly to make and doesn’t give off toxic fumes during the production process. On top of that, it’s an extremely durable material that isn’t subject to the same corrosion threats as traditional building materials, meaning that it’ll last many years before it needs to be replaced.

Extremely Versatile

As a building material, glass comes in many forms, and can be manipulated to fulfill numerous tasks. It can be coloured to provide a beautiful looking home, tinted to provide privacy, and worked to any shape for something unique. Various treatments and technologies can be applied to ensure that your glass home can be anything from bulletproof, to self-cleaning, or shatterproof, and even self-regulating to light and heat.

Good for Your Health

A glass house can also be good for both your physical and mental well-being. By allowing the natural light in throughout the day, you can ward off seasonal depression. Also, seeing the outside world at any given point can help you to relax and escape the stresses of life.

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