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Glass Handrail

Royal feel
to the touch

When it comes to choosing guardrails for your property, you want to ensure safety without compromising on beauty and elegance. That’s why a glass railing system might be your best choice.
While railings can be made from a variety of materials – including wood, chrome, iron, stainless steel, and stone – glass has become extremely popular thanks to its myriad benefits.

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A sleek look, safety, easy maintenance and customization are just some of the key benefits of glass railings used on staircases, decks, walkways, and pools.




Forward-facing task lighting

Environmentally sustainable

Energy efficient  


Weather Adaptability

Low Maintenance  


white painted wall close-up photography

They’re Easy to Maintain

Compared to iron, wood, and other railing materials, glass is easier to maintain. Unlike other intricately designed materials, glass is sleek and quick to clean. Simply use a quality glass cleaner to wipe down the railings in just a few minutes. In case of scratches or other damages, polishing can often fix the issue and restore its shine, which is a major advantage over wood or metal railings.
Tempered safety glass is treated at a very high temperature to make it extremely tough and durable; so much so that extreme weather poses no threat.

They Look Great

The clean lines and contemporary feel of glass handrails have made this an increasingly popular option with homeowners. Because glass is transparent, it makes even the narrowest staircase seem wider and more spacious.What’s more, since the tempered glass panels are nearly invisible, they provide a seamless flow between your property and the surrounding landscape.

They’re Easily Customized

Glass railings are easily customizable, allowing you to match them to your existing home decor. Whether your property has a modern or traditional style, you can get them made according to your needs.
Choose from a range of glass shapes, sizes, transparencies and tints etc.

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